Friday 7 October 2011


As of 2 days ago, I officially became one of the users of one of the most popular social networking website, Twitter. Why? Sebab kawan aku kata aku update status aku dalam FB tiap2 hari, bagaikan FB tu dh jdi alternative tweet aku. So why not buat satu akaun Twitter and then kita tweet apa yg kita nak kan...simple. Lagipun kita boleh tweet apa yg kta nk as long as the tweet is less than 140 characters. Kenapa sikit je characters? Sebab kalau korg post pnjg sgt mcm dalam FB tu (420 characters), tak guna juga sbb org pening bca, lg satu ramai org malas nk baca banyak2. So dgn limit 140 characters je, dorg tweet straight to the point, easy and simple to understand the message...kannnnn...

So setiap kali on9, ada dua benda penting yang aku akan buat: cek FB, then Twitter. And kta blh tweet apa2 je yg kta nk tweet, pasal benda2 di sekeliling kta cthnya...senang kannnnn...

Seandainya terbaca post aku kali ni (yg tlh lama berbulan2 blog ni aku x update sbb xde idea ape nk tulis...) dan nk follow aku, korg cari je nama ni:


then korg follow lh kan...x paksa follow pun, sy bukan artis mn pun...

K bye...chiaoooww...