Tuesday 8 June 2010


P1. Not P1 WiMax, but I have P1 for my result. Sedih gile thp gaban. Aku nak meraung sekuat yg boleh bla dpt tau aku dpt result ni. It is the worst word in a student's life here in USM, well, the second worst word after 'F'. I don't know how I wanted to deal with this kind of thing. It is just so disappointing, and to make it worst, I plan on taking 20 units of courses for the next sem. The result jeopardizes my whole plan for the next sem. And I have, I repeat, I have to do this thing which I don't think I will be able to do, and DON'T want to do: EXTEND. Huh, looking at that word and my heart starts to break like kena calar2 here and there, belum mention lagi word EXTEND tu. Adoii...

Even though I'm sad, somehow I felt calm. Yup, calm. Tenang mcm buaya yang baru lepas makan. Tenang mcm xda papa akan berlaku. Yup, that kind of calm. I don't know, I just feel relax in the light of this thing. Maybe that's my best personality. I just don't give a damn. Maybe unconsciously, I just accepted things as they are. Hmmm, interesting when you get to know things about yourself deeply.

You see, I don't even have the mood to write this. But I promised to write on a regular basis, so here I am. And my heart is pumping faster than usual and that's because I have other things to do. Well I think I'm gonna stop writing now, but wait...

There's more...

Even though I got P1, it doesn't mean that I'm gonna die. It's just a word telling you to work harder. Who knows, there are other benefits for this??? P1 means I have to concentrate harder academically and not on university's activities. P1 also means that I'm gonna take a lil' bit of subject and concentrate on that. It's not to bad to extend. It's just for one year and I get to enjoy myself here in Penang once again. Maybe it's not such a bad thing to have P1, because now that you've experienced it, you can tell your junior to work harder. Be a beacon of hope to others out there.

I enjoyed writing it, cause now that I feel better about myself. Hahhaa...okie till next time.

Au revoir...