Saturday 28 January 2012

Happy New Year 2012, and Happy 22nd Birthday to me!!!


"Ew, it's so smelly in here. And what's that thing?", I asked myself, and picked it up. It was a dead spider. "Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew!!! Fuck!!!" Yes, I just picked up a dead spider. Big one. And as I looked around, I thought, "Hmmm, I need some major cleaning up to do in here."

I picked up a broom, a mop, some cleaning cloth, a bin, and 20 minutes later, ta-da, my blog looks shinier than ever. Woooh, I'm all sweaty inside out. Well, I'm just gonna take a na...wait, I was about to tell you my story. Yep, I'm definitely going to tell you a story. The story of how I met your mot...wait, that's not it. I'm keeping that for my kids. Okie, okie, I'm just gonna go straight to the point; do you see the title above? Yes, that elegant title (ELEGANT is my new tagline!!! Wuwuwuwww (and wuwuwuwww as well)). What does it read?

Shoooo, go away, 1!
Yes, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012 y'all, and I said it with such elegant. Yep, it's not too late to say it right, I mean ... okie, okie, it is too late to say it, but I didn't have the time to update my blog and to wish my followers HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012. So I'm just gonna say it again: HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012. May this Year of the Dragon (Water Dragon actually, according to the Chinese calendar) bring you prosperity, joy, happiness, all things good in your life. And may Malaysia, my beloved country be prosperous as well, economically, politically (I doubt that!!!) and socially as well.

So, where were we? Owh, yes, the title. So what does that second title about? Yes, you're right, it's my ELEGANT BIRTHDAY. I'm turning 22 last Friday (20th January), and honestly I feel happy and sad at the same time. Happy because God has given me another year to live, and sad because well, I haven't really accomplished much during my 21st year as a living human on this planet. Well, it's been a busy year for me, really. It's my last semester (and I swear to you, MY LAST SEMESTER!!!), and I really wanted to achieve that high grade before I graduate. And speaking of graduation, it's gonna be on the 21st April, so for those who are reading this, please mark your calendar, wuwuwuwww!!!

So basically I had fun on my birthday, because I'm celebrating it at PULAU JEREJAK!!! I know, elegant right!!! Celebrating your birthday at an island, so like celebrity. But I happened to go there because I was involved in a programme held at that island, SRN programme. I forget the name of the programme, but let's just call it SRN programme. What happened on that day is super-aweseome and -elegant!!! Here are some pictures from that day:

At the jetty, with friends...

At Jerejak Resort swimming pool...

Flying fox!!! My first time ever...

With friends. Take a look at the one in the middle, she was initially a bro, just acted like a girl for this 'photoshoot'...akkakakaka

Me swimming!!!

Wall-climbing, also my first-time ever!!! Did it two times...

Okie, sorry, not many pictures have me tagged in it, and clearly, I didn't even asked them for all of the pictures. But at least, this will tell you what happened on that day, and it can be summed up in a simple word: FUN!!! Yes, fun, as well as elegant. And this is what really happened on that day, by order: jungle-trekking, which we were led to a place where people settled in the 19th-century (FYI, Pulau Jerejak was once called Alcatraz of Malaysia, because this is where Jerejak Prison was located. The island is also a quarantine center for those with tuberculosis and leprosy), flying-fox, which is my first-time ever (SO MUCH FUN!!!), swimming (got sunburned in the process, but at least I got tan), wall-climbing (also my first-time ever, and did it twice!!!), water polo, beach volleyball, and lastly, went back to the main island. 

Although I didn't get to celebrate it with my family, but what happened on that day was superbly awesome, fun and elegant!!! And I have Vun to thank for that programme. And that day was also my first prank in my entire lifetime. Seriously!!! All thanks to Munchee, Shahrul and Esther Yong...wuwuwuuwwwww.

The middle one, Munchee called me that her arm was dislocated, and the other two, Shahrul (red shirt) and Esther (white bag) holds the cake...
...and this the cake...elegant right!!!

Many thanks to them who made my day wonderful and full of joy. I will never forget these memories, till I die. Wuwuwuwww...


Wednesday 7 December 2011

Berhenti Merokok!!!


Orang kata kalau dh lama kita berjinak2 ngan satu benda ni, susah nk lupakan or tinggalkan benda tu (org x pernah ckp, aku yg ckp). Smalah mcm rokok; aku dh 4 tahun merokok continuously sejak matrix lagi, b4 that sekali sekala ja. Family xpernah tau, but my mom knows that I smoked back when I was young, maybe around 12-13 years old (GOSHHH!!!). Then after that I quit, or should I say, quit temporarily. Then tym matriks sambung balik, sebab bila dh berjauhan dari family, byk keja gila kita blh buat...kannnnnn. Memang ada plan nk stop merokok, tpi setiap kali berenti, mesti terasa nk smoke balik; tangan ngan mulut gatal sangat nak pegang dan hisap rokok. Lebih2 lagi bila dh cium bau asap rokok tu, terliur. Sampai sanggup xmakan sebab nk hisap benda tu ja.

But all of that changed last week, when I was playing frisbee with my friends. Tym tu baru balik dri study kat library. Main punya main, tetiba dada sakit, but I just continue playing. Lepas main tu, balik bilik, ya ampuuuunnnnnnn....sakit mmg sakit gila. Seksa beb!!! Then my thought suddenly shifted to smoking, but I said to myself, nantilah. Tggu sakit reda dlu, nnt smoking. Check kotak Dunhill tu, tggl sebatang's okie, I can buy later, I said. But then I had an epiphany: what if this is the right time for me to stop smoking? I mean I can used that painful chest pain as a reason to not smoking anymore. So, as a gesture to leave the world of smoking cigarettes behind, I did the one thing that any smokers love to do: merokok sambil berak kat tandas. Heaven doeeeee...

Aku pernah cinta kau, tpi kau buat aku terseksa ja hidup dlm dunia ni, so astalavista baby!!!

And the rest is history until now. Sekarang dh seminggu lebih x merokok. Kalau aku merokok lagi seminggu, aku akan habiskan like RM70-80 untuk bli 7 kotak Dunhill to satisfy my craving for 1 week. Even smpi sekarang pun craving masih ada lagi, but mcm rumate aku kata, smoking is just a feeling, you can control it (tpi lepas 2 bulan dia berhenti merokok, dia start lagi balik, at the same time aku berhenti merokok). So kalau ada lambaian asap rokok yg singgah kat hidung aku, aku akan tepis juga, and I mean literally tepis (kipas2 angin depan hidung xmau bg asap rokok masuk). Tapi dalam proses nak berhenti merokok tu, seksa jg. Badan xsakit, tpi mentally kita sakit sbb nk bagi tahan diri untuk tidak merokok. Like they say (this one is real), quit smoking is easy, but sticking to it is the hardest of all. And they also said that the first two weeks is the hardest thing, and also the first two months. My rumate succeeded at the first two weeks, but he failed at the first two months. And I have no intention to follow in his footsteps, or any smokers for that matter. In other words, this time it's for real.

Kesan² berhenti merokok includes:
* Mild depression or sadness.
* Anxiety.
* Boredom and loneliness.
* Anger or short-temper. 

(Note: kalau aku copy pun aku state dari mana aku dapat sumber tu...bukan mcm org len, copy paste trus...)

So macam si Hazeman dkt atas ni, emosi terganggu, kadang2 mood swing: sekejap happy, sekejap marah, sekejap rasa nak nangis. Pendek kata, semua di atas, aku dh alami dh: nangis sorg2 kat lab hari tu tanpa sebab (laki menangis cute okie!!!), rasa marah ngan kecewa kat dunia sekeliling, rasa tersisih sangat, and sometimes rasa pelik sebab dh lama merokok, akhirnya bila berhenti juga, it feels like we have become a whole new person. And then bila nmpk org sekeliling kita merokok, aku fikir, napa mereka boleh merokok, nape aku xleh merokok? But all of that is just temporary and believe me after a few days, you'll feel better. Sebab sekarang korg yg dh bbrp hari berhenti merokok ni, akan mengalami proses withdrawal, ataupun secara lebih tepat lagi: nicotine withdrawal symptom. Apa2 pun korg google atau wikipedia sendiri pasal nicotine withdrawal tu. Malas nk tulis banyak2 dlm blog ni.

Di bawah merupakan kesan berhenti merokok terhadap kesihatan kita:
  • Dalam masa 20 minit, tekanan darah akan turun ke tahap normal iaitu di antara 90/60 ke 120/80 bagi orang dewasa.
  • Dalam masa 8 jam tahap karbon monoksida (gas toksik) di dalam salur darah akan turun separuh dan tahap oksigen kembali normal.
  • Dalam masa 48 jam pula, risiko serangan jantung akan berkurangan dan semua nikotin telah hilang dalam badan.Deria rasa dan bau akan meningkat ke tahap normal.
  • Dalam masa 72 jam,salur kerongkong (bronchial tubes) dalam keadaan stabil dan relax dan tenaga juga akan bertambah.
  • Dalam tempoh 2 minggu pula, sistem peredaran darah dan badan akan berterusan mengalami perubahan positif dan berpanjangan sehingga 10 minggu seterusnya.
  • 3 hingga 9 bulan seterusnya masalah batuk, susah bernafas (wheezing) akan hilang selari dengan perubahan kandungan di dalam paru-paru sebanyak 10%.
  • 1 tahun, tempoh di mana risiko mendapat serangan jantung akan berkurang.
  • 5 tahun, risiko strok kembali kepada asal iaitu tahap bukan perokok.
  • 10 tahun, risiko kanser paru-paru kembali ke tahap bukan perokok.
  • 15 tahun,risiko serangan jantung kembali ke tahap bukan perokok.
Kalau ikutkan info di atas, tym aku tulis entry kali ni, sistem peredaran darah dan badan aku akan mengalami perubahan positif hingga tempoh 10 minggu seterusnya. Dan cuba tgk info yg 48 jam tu; tu lah sebab org yg dh berhenti merokok makan banyak, sebab deria rasa ngan bau dh kembali normal. And yes, I did eat a lot, I mean A LOT!!! So planning aku lepas ni, aku nak lepas semua tahap; selepas 2 minggu, 3 minggu, lepas tu 4 minggu smpi bila dh 10 minggu, aku nk lepas tahap 3 bulan, 4, 5, and so on sampai 1 tahun, lepas tu 2 tahun...smpi 15 tahun. Kita jadikan mcm game lah, kalau dh berjaya lepas tahap ni kita award diri kita, baru kita dpt pi tahap seterusnya, faham tak? Mesti syok kan...

Mudah2an lah semangat nk berenti tu kekal smpi aku mati nanti...yes LORD!!!

Thursday 27 October 2011

Terra Nova

What if in the future, says, 2149 A.D., you're living in a world where you have to wear mask every day because the air you breathe in is almost poisonous? And the city you live in is so crowded due to the overpopulation of the Earth, and there is not a single plant in sight? So how do you solve it? Replanting of the forests? Issuing an act which calls for extreme family control? Or just suffer till we die? What if you found a rift/tear in the space-time continuum that enables you to travel back in time, says 85 million years ago, so that you could save humanity once and for all?

Well that's what happened in Terra Nova, a new U.S. TV series debuting this fall, or in Malaysia, this monsoon season (I would love to live in New York for once). The series follows the Shannon family as they travel to the past, however, alternate timeline, to join the community of Terra Nova to rebuild the future of humanity. Yes, it's a much better world to live, although they have to share it with dinosaurs. And that raises a question in mind: why 85 million years ago, why not after 65 million years ago, when all the dinosaurs were extinct? That way, they won't have trouble defending the colony from dinosaurs, as what happened in the third episode. Not only that, they also have trouble defending the colony from their other enemy: their own, by the name of the Sixers (because they arrive at the Sixth Pilgrimage). However, since this series is still new (debut: September 26, 2011), I don't have a lot to tell about it, but the theme of the show does raise several important issues in mind.


One of the theme of the show is environmental degradation, which is the reason why the family traveled back in time to save humanity. When I was a little kid, there used to be a durian tree in front of my late grandmother house (from my father side), and it was so big that the shade of the tree was enough to cool down the house. But now that the tree was cut down, it felt hotter ever since. And I didn't like it. And that's the reality of the world we lived in. Logging, deforestation, dwindling clean water supply, overpopulation (U.N. estimates that we could reach the 7 billion mark by October 31), global warming, etc. It seems as if we are creating our own Apocalypse, and no wonder 2012 will be the end of us. Just take a look around us and you'll know what I'm talking about, nature-wise.

Looks like it's too late to save the planet, but then again, who says? You can still do something about it, i.e. every time you go out, turn off the fan and the lamps, even when not in use. Some of my friends left the laptop open for days, which is damaging to the laptop as it is to the environment. I don't have a laptop (except a broken one), but still I know how to shut down one when not in use. Sometimes in campus I walked, but not because I don't have any transport, but because I wanted to reduce my carbon footprint, and walking is a form of exercise, so you'll get healthier, along with the benefit of enjoying the nature. Many opted to use motorcycle, even for a 1-mile ride (which is why many Malaysians are SO obese).

Each day I'm trying to be a good son to our Mother Earth, protecting her from all of our wrongdoings. But it just upsetting to see friends throwing garbage everywhere right in front of my eyes. And I told them to throw it at the right place, but they won't listen. So I guess we'll be damn. However, I believe there's still a ray of hope for us out there. My father plants a lot of grass, the tall one, specific for goat to graze at. And in place of the durian tree, my mother plants banana trees, and several other vegetation. Not quite the big tree I expected, but still, it's a start. And I'm thinking of planting one on my own, maybe another durian tree. So we could all eat durian under the cool shade of the big tree.


Tuesday 11 October 2011

New Girl

Nmpk tak gambar atas ni??? Hah, ni lah TV series terbaru yg officially as of yesterday masuk dalam my must-download list. New Girl mengisahkan pasal sorg pompuan, Jess (Zooey Deschanel) yang baru lepas breakup ngan BF dia becoz BF dia curang ngan pompuan lain. So lepas tu dia pindah ke rumah yg dia jumpa dlm Craigslist, where there are 3 guys living in the same home: Schmidt, Nick ngan Winston. So kisah dia mengisahkan pasal persahabatan, pasal life, more or less sama mcm Friends, How I Met Your Mother mcm tu lah. Jatuh cinta ngan series ni pun sebab pompuan ni kiut sgt, serius kiut. Lawak yg dorg wat pun mmg leh tahan jg, setanding ngan HIMYM jg...

Citer ni masih baru lagi, as of the time of me writing this post now, baru je ade 3 episod, season 1. So kalau ade yg berminat nk series ni, boleh roger2 kat aku...atau korg download sendiri ekhhh...hehehhehehee


Sejak kebelakangan ni, I'm busy with PIMPIN Siswa, program USM di mana tujuan program ni diadakan adalah untuk meningkatkan pengupayaan insan pelajar2 baru USM, local & international. Tiap-tiap minggu je kena pegi ofis HEP tuk bantu itu, bantu ini...penat tu mmg penat, tpi at least kta emjoy ngan kerja kita kannn. Kalau rasa lapar tu, kaki ini dengan secara automatiknya akan melangkah ke pantri HEP tu, dan automatiknya juga tangan ini pantas mengambil apa sahaja makanan yg ada dlm pantri tu. Yelah kita wat kerja kat HEP, kenalah berlagak mcm pegawai HEP gak kan...hahahahhaaa.

Kena marah, kena tegur dh jadi lumrah kalau wat keja kt HEP. Mcm tdi, bos kat HEP tu, En. K.E. tetiba tegur ktorg yg P.U. ni (pembantu urusetia PIMPIN), kenapa tag nama tu guna logo PPKSP yg salah??? Ktorg terdiam trus, siap dia tanya lagi nama kem apa, katanya nk cari S.U. kem, nasib N tak kena...hahahhhaaa. Yg rasa sdikit kecewa ni, KE cubalah tanya dlu sapa yg buat tag nma tu, ni tak, trus terjah org mcm tu...wat keja pun x senang. Tapi ade aku kesah, aku pun bukan officially kerja kat no hal punya. Aku pun tgh cari keja gak ni...nk setel dlu lesen P aku, then bru boleh cari keja jauh ckit...huhuhuhuhuuuuuu...

So, this is my main highlight of my life today so far, nothing new, nothing less to tell about. Nnt kang kalau bgtau hari2 ape aku buat, dh mcm menceroboh privasi aku sndri plak in the mean time, kalau ada masa lagi, I will update ttg apa yg sy rasa sy nk update...


Friday 7 October 2011


As of 2 days ago, I officially became one of the users of one of the most popular social networking website, Twitter. Why? Sebab kawan aku kata aku update status aku dalam FB tiap2 hari, bagaikan FB tu dh jdi alternative tweet aku. So why not buat satu akaun Twitter and then kita tweet apa yg kita nak kan...simple. Lagipun kita boleh tweet apa yg kta nk as long as the tweet is less than 140 characters. Kenapa sikit je characters? Sebab kalau korg post pnjg sgt mcm dalam FB tu (420 characters), tak guna juga sbb org pening bca, lg satu ramai org malas nk baca banyak2. So dgn limit 140 characters je, dorg tweet straight to the point, easy and simple to understand the message...kannnnn...

So setiap kali on9, ada dua benda penting yang aku akan buat: cek FB, then Twitter. And kta blh tweet apa2 je yg kta nk tweet, pasal benda2 di sekeliling kta cthnya...senang kannnnn...

Seandainya terbaca post aku kali ni (yg tlh lama berbulan2 blog ni aku x update sbb xde idea ape nk tulis...) dan nk follow aku, korg cari je nama ni:


then korg follow lh kan...x paksa follow pun, sy bukan artis mn pun...

K bye...chiaoooww...